StartAllgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen

Leicestershire County Cricket Club Matchday Hospitality

Terms and Conditions

1. To secure your hospitality at Grace Road, full payment is required within 30 days of date of booking.

2. Match tickets and hospitality packs will only be issued if full payment has been received.

3. Final match and hospitality times will be issued with your hospitality packs. We endeavour to despatch these no later than 1 week prior to event date.

4. The removal of alcohol from any of the hospitality areas is strictly always prohibited.

5. No external food or beverage may be brought on site under any circumstances, unless authorised by the club.

6. The hospitality bar will open 1 hour before official start time and close at the end of play. Guests are asked to kindly vacate the facility 30 minutes after close of play.

7. We reserve the right to alter the menu provided.

8. Only bona-fide ticket holders are allowed within the hospitality facility. It is not permissible to invite extra guests, as any unauthorised person seeking access will be politely refused.

9. Please note that smoking is only permitted in designated areas on the ground. Smoking is prohibited from all buildings and stands.

10. Music and other activity are likely to be part of the entertainment at some Domestic fixtures.

11. LCCC reserve the right to remove any member of the party if deemed to be a nuisance to other members with unsociable behaviour, racist remarks or under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

12. Dress code must be adhered to, this being smart/casual.

13. It may be necessary to change the match wicket at short notice. Leicestershire CCC therefore reserve the right to alter the facility offered to you.

14. Cancellations & Refunds

a. Cancellations must be received in writing.

b. Cancellations received 21 days or less prior to event date = No refund

c. Cancellations received 21 days – 60 days prior to event date = 50% refund unless LCCC can re-sell

d. Cancellations received 60 days and more = 100% refund

e. No refunds are offered for “no shows” or reductions in numbers.

f. Where no play is possible because the match has been called off by the Umpire on the day, no refunds will be offered.

g. Play is not guaranteed and in all other circumstances the hospitality package is available regardless of the state of play or weather conditions.

15. Termination LCCC may terminate this Booking Agreement by immediate notice if:-

14.1 the Customer has not made any of the payments due to LCCC by the date(s) specified for payment in this Agreement.

14.2 If the Customer has failed to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Booking Agreement (and where LCCC in its discretion has allowed the Customer time to put right the failure) the Customer has failed to remedy its failure

14.3 If the Customer becomes bankrupt or insolvent or ceases or threatens to cease carrying on business or if LCCC reasonably anticipates any of the aforesaid events are about to happen

14.4 As an overriding right LCCC may withdraw the Hired Areas (or any part of them) or otherwise suspend, cancel or control the use of the Hired Areas if in the opinion of LCCC it is unsafe for the Customer to continue its use.

15 Overdue Payments If for any reason the client has not settled their account and the amount goes beyond 90 days from date of invoice, LCCC will charge a rate of 1% interest per day on total amounts owing to cover any legal or administrative fees.